Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's day email from Elder Neuhaus May 12, 2013

Hey Mom,
Since today is mothers day we were allowed 15 minutes to email you today. So, I just wanted to let you know that I am extremely grateful that you are the mother I have been given here on Earth. Mom, looking back at all of the experiences I've had growing up I know that you have always been there looking out for me. I know I wasn't always an easy child or a great example to the rest of the kids but I want you to know that I am trying to be the best example i can be now. Being with you the past year has been a blessing as I have grown closer to you than I think I ever remember being. I know that you love me and I can come to you for anything if needed. Know that I am out here serving the Lord so that others may here the gospel you brought me up in, and I'm very grateful for that. Thanks for always being pushy and forcing me in the right direction when there were times that I may have been swaying in the wind. I know that you've been one of my steady anchors and without that I don't know where I would be right now. I love you Mom, It hurts me that I have to be away from you for the next two years but I know it's where I'm supposed to be right now. The people of Bolivia are being prepared for my teachings and to hear the gospel of the Lord. My testimony is growing each day and I hope I am becoming more and more of the man you and Dad want me to become each day as I am here. You, Dad, and the rest of the family are constantly in my thoughts. I know that Heavenly Father is blessing you guys for allowing me to have the opportunity to be out here. I know that this isn't the expected Mothers Day you thought you would have from me because it isn't a phone call, but know through this email that I care about you, love you, and hope you are doing great. I'm more than thankful for everything you've ever done for me. I'll see you in the near future, two years isn't as long as it sounds. I'll email you again on Tuesday with a big update on how everything has been going.
Love your oldest son,
Elder Neuhaus

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